Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I can do without cable. I can go without a house phone. Right now I'm reaching the 3 week stretch without internet at my current apartment. Being a new media student, it isn't the easiest thing to do. I've been forced to localize. It's something you adapt to after a while, but isn't something I prefer. I find myself planning my schedule around when I'll be in a place that has the internet, which I hate. These are my chances to do homework, or to obtain recourses online that I may need and put them onto my hard drive. As much as I need the internet, I don't like that it has such a hold on my life. It's not something I would notice if I didn't have it. But when I don't, I find myself constantly worrying about when I will be around an internet source to get a paper finished, or to get photos I need to do sketches. I feel like my mind is constantly turning it's gears, trying to keep a mental track of all the things I may need to remember. I guess it's not so bad in the end. Just a different way of doing things, which always takes time getting used to.

I bring up localization as I sit here at work typing this post being interrupted every two minutes to do something. I forget what I'm talking about mid sentence. So my question is, what is the ultimate creative environment for everyone out there to work in? What can you not do without in your creative process? I know that my creative place is far away from here.

Eventually, I'll put up some shots of my 3D projects I've been working on this semester. I forget to take them when I'm at my house working on my project, so when I'm in a place with internet, I can't get to my project to take them. I'll remember to do it one of these days. Until then, here are some sketches and orthos of the character I'm modeling. Almost finished.

1 comment:

  1. My creative space is quiet, empty, and smells good. Ideally I just have an empty room or rather a floor to spread things out on. More realistically my creative space is just a place in my head. Getting into the right head-space can happen anywhere at any time. There are some places that can just beat it out of you though!
