Monday, May 23, 2011

Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it, don't wait for it, just...let it happen.

I've nearly exhausted my list of mystery media that I'm taking part in. I've finished Twin Peaks, The New York Trilogy, almost done with X-Files, and I have successfully started L.A. Noire. All are highly recommended, but above all, Twin Peaks. The best kinds of things are ones that can transform who you are or how you think. Maybe they make you see things a different way that you previously didn't. They could inspire you and open new avenues of creativity that were previously closed off in your mind. I think this is one simple goal that every artist may have in mind consciously or subconsciously. If we can reach even one person with something that we've done and have them say good things about our work, or that it was meaningful to them in some way, we will have accomplished one of the most special things about being an artist. We have the ability to make people react to what we have created. I think it's amazing that fictional characters who have come from other people's minds have the power to influence us to become better people.

Soon, production will begin on my capstone. I'll be posting updates.

"I would like in general to treat people with much more care and respect. I would like to climb a tall hill, not too tall, and sit in the cool grass, not too cool, and feel the sun on my face. I wish I could have cracked the Lindbergh kidnapping case. I would very much like to make love to a beautiful woman, who I have genuine affection for. And, of course, it goes without saying that I would like to visit Tibet. I wish they could get their country back and the Dalai Lama could return. Oh, I would like that very much."-Special Agent Dale Cooper

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Post-semester, post-project, post-move, post-rapture post.

Boy, has life been busy lately. I think things are finally settling down. I don't have a definitive subject to talk about here because so many things have happened in general. The semester is over (though summer session is in full swing). The world seems to have survived 'the rapture', which could be good or bad news considering I wouldn't have had to continue going to speech class if there were massive earthquakes. I've moved into my own place with my friend Dean in Greenwood which is a wonderful experience so far. It's a great thing to be on your own. Busy, but great. I'm going to call this one short and just show some art.

Underwood Typewriter modeled in Maya

I've also been working on entries for a contest. One of my favorite bands, Murder By Death, is doing a 7" split with another fantastic band called The Builders and The Butchers. I would recommend both for a good listen. Anyway, they're having a contest and one band will pick the front and the other the back. 
